Exportating bbox

After you ingested your bounding boxes, you might want to export them to a different format. The library provides a set of functions to export your bounding boxes to different formats.

First thing first, you need to parse your bounding boxes. You can find more information about this in the parsing guide.

import bboxconverter as bc

# Parse your bounding boxes
parser = bc.read_<format>("path_to_your_file")

The format can be one of the following:

  • coco : COCO format

  • csv : CSV format

  • manifest : Manifest format

  • xml : PASCAL VOC format

To a COCO format

You can export your bounding boxes to a COCO format using the export method and specifying the format parameter as coco.

# Export your bounding boxes to a COCO format
coco = parser.export("output_path", "coco")

To YOLO format

You can export your bounding boxes to a YOLO format using the export method and specifying the format parameter as yolo.

# Export your bounding boxes to a YOLO format
coco = parser.export("output_path", "yolo")

To PASCAL VOC format

You can export your bounding boxes to a PASCAL VOC format using the export method and specifying the format parameter as voc.

# Export your bounding boxes to a PASCAL VOC format
coco = parser.export("output_path", "voc")